Daily Chinese horoscope
Sunday 07 January 2024

Free and accurate daily horoscope of 07 January 2024
By Karmaweather - 26 February 2019
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved
Chinese calendar:
Day of the Metal Horse
Month of the Wood Rat
Year of the Water Rabbit

Free Chinese Daily Horoscope for: Rat (Mouse), Ox (Buffalo), Tiger, Rabbit (Hare, Cat), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat (Sheep), Monkey, Rooster (Chicken), Dog and Pig (Wild Boar)

Characteristics of 07 January 2024

Polarity of the day: Yang
Polarity of the month: Yang
Polarity of the year: Yin
Marriage and love:
Favorable directions: South
Lucky colors: Yellow
Energetic chart: Weakness Earth
Destiny of birth (Yi Jing): Stagnation
Boy’s first names: Adao, Adem, Eila, Mahkah, Mamoru
Girl’s first names: Hermione, Herta, Nuna, Sahara, Sydney

Daily horoscope of 07 January 2024

Metal Horse Day

The road today is marked by the metallic and repetitive rhythm of the hoofs of the tireless Metal Horse. Free and ambitious, he's always in search of new experiences, especially if he can draw some kind of financial interest from them. Today, while your motivation might be disrupted by distant adventure desires, you'd better redouble concentration in your work as you might be surprised by the brilliance of your accomplishments of the day. If you're in a couple, expect a memorable evening, provided you stay true to your natural beauty. If you're single, bet on your charm and the quality of your listening.

Daily food and diet’s horoscope

Chinese stone of birth

Corrective stone of the day

yi king karma

Yi Jing hexagram of stagnation (否, pǐ)

The individual born under the "Yi Jing hexagram of stagnation" is someone who likes to have a regular activity. He is an organized being who aspires to achieve specific goals. Thanks to his determination, the being of the "Yi Jing hexagram of stagnation" generally succeeds in achieving his goals. Nevertheless, he sometimes chooses easy ways, which then leads him to take considerable risks and even to endure bitter failures. In life, his main challenge lies in the financial field. In order for the being of the "Yi King Hexagram of Stagnation" to aspire to a healthy and successful life, he must scrupulously maintain the delicate balance between his desire for wealth and his perseverance at work.

Metal Horse's Pillar of Destiny

"The ground on the side of the road" (Yang)

Of a rather neutral nature, the imaged destiny of the "ground on the roadside" can be correlated with a sufficiently constant stability to allow an impetus favorable to the social ascent of the individual. However, the effort required to clear the road sufficiently to make it practicable must be done with vigor and determination. The struggle between the right appreciation of reality and the temptation to create one's path at any price, presupposes an attitude whose effectiveness is the only objective. In addition, work and patience are the two main directions of this imaged destiny, which once assimilated can lead the individual who holds it as an annual birth pillar, towards the path of existential fulfillment.

It is as a pillar of day that the junction of effort by repetition with a long wait is more marked.