Feng Shui 2024 flying stars: Cures, Chart, Directions

💫 2024 Feng Shui flying stars
By KarmaWeather - 9 April 2023
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Annual flying stars' forecast and horoscope 2024

Feng Shui yearly chart and cures for the Chinese New Year of the Dragon 2024

The 2024 Feng Shui New Year begins on February 4, 2024 and ends on February 3, 2025. The flying star #3 is the Feng Shui star of 2024.

Each Feng Shui New Year, ie every February 4th (the Feng Shui BaGua New Year date is fixed, unlike the Chinese New Year’s date), the position of the 9 flying stars evolves within the Lo Shu magic square.

The standard Lo Shu square

According to Chinese cosmology, the standard Lo Shu (or Luo Shu) square is itself divided into 9 squares. Knowing that the central square symbolizes the center, the other 8 cells indicate the cardinal and intermediate directions (north, north-east, east, south-east, south, southwest, west, north-west).

It should also be noted that a Feng Shui compass indicates the North at the bottom and the South at the top, as opposed to the Western mode of representation. Each cell of the standard Luo Shu square is correlated to one of the 5 elements, a number and a direction.

In the standard Lo shu square, the horizontal, vertical or diagonal addition of the numbers always gives the result 15.

Thus, the central cell of the standard magic square is occupied by number 5, the Yang Earth element. Numbers 2 and 8 represent the Yang Earth and Yin Earth elements. Then, number 1 represents the Yang Water, number 3 is Yang Wood, number 4 is Yin Wood, number 6 is Yang Metal, number 7 is Yin Metal, number 8 is Yin Earth and number 9 is associated with the Fire element in its Yin polarity.

Finally, in the standard configuration of the magic square, the number 5 represents the center, the number 1 is associated with the North, the 2 with the Southwest, the 3 with the East, the 4 with the Southeast, the 6 with the Northwest, the 7 with the West, 8 with the Northeast and the 9 with the South.

Meaning of the flying stars system

The astrological prediction system of the 9 flying stars used in Feng Shui differs somewhat from Chinese astrology, although it also uses the 5 elements of Wu Xing, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood.

Each star is represented by a number from 1 to 9. They have their own functions and change cells every year from the fixed date of February 4, to occupy a new location within the standard Luo Shu square. Their year-to-year mobility within the Luo Shu square is at the origin of their name of the 9 flying stars. In addition, each star is also associated with one of the five elements in its Yin or Yang form (with its corresponding colors). In the case of an activation or weakening of a sector, the interaction of the element of the standard Lo Shui square and the superimposed star is analyzed in order to apply the most appropriate solution.

Feng Shui cure and remedy techniques

In order to activate and exploit the positive effects (but also to avoid the negative effects) of the sites (locations) and directions of the current year and apply them to the house according to traditional Feng Shui techniques, it is necessary to analyze the type of interaction created during the meeting between the flying star and the fixed number of the standard magic square. When it is a positive interaction in a sector, the life aspiration related to the sector concerned can be activated. On the other hand, when it comes to a destructive relationship between the flying star’s element and the Lo Shu standard square’s element, then it becomes important to place a Feng Shui remedy in order to neutralize and balance the resulting negative effects of the opposition between these elements. To learn more about the neutralization and rebalancing of the 5 elements of Feng Shui, click here.

Following a description of the nine Feng Shui flying stars' characteristics and their position in 2024, KarmaWeather invites you to consult the most favorable directions according to the Kua number of your year of birth as well as favorable and lucky directions specific to the year 2024. Finally, discover our tips and Feng Shui cures for 2024 concerning the sectors to activate in your house or your apartment.

Calculate the Kua number of your year of birth: What is my Kua number?

Annual Flying Stars chart 2024

Annual Feng Shui flying star chart 2024 © KarmaWeather® by Konbi
to purchase the downloadable printable version of the 2024 Flying Stars Poster

The 9 flying stars of Feng Shui in 2024 - Positions and forecasts

  1. Flying Star #1: The Lucky Star (Yang Water)

    The Lucky Star means luck, good omen and good reputation. To be honorably known among those around you, to improve your social status and thus allow you to open yourself to new social perspectives, it is the location related to this star which must be activated during the year 2024. To obtain recognition in your field and generate prosperity and wealth in your existence, the Lucky Star is placed in the East sector from February 4, 2024 until February 3, 2025 (full duration of the Feng Shui Bagua year). To activate this area, place your workstation in the East side of your office or set up your desk to the East of your room by turning it in the same direction. If, by changing the location of your desk, you happen to be seated with the front door behind your back, you then need to place a mirror in front of you so you can always see the door of your office. Finally, use objects belonging to the Water element family to activate this area conducive to study and work in 2024 and fully benefit from the benefits of this energy sector.

  2. Flying Star #2: The Star of the Disease (Yang Earth)

    As its name suggests, the 2nd star is synonymous with illness, physical or psychological discomfort. Pregnant people, the elderly and people with chronic illnesses can be particularly sensitive to the influence of this star. This sector should be avoided as much as possible. In 2024, the Star of the Disease is placed in the Southeast sector. Under no circumstances should this sector be activated or provoked. This star is associated with the Earth element. Any renovation (interior decoration) activity in this area of your home or office should be avoided throughout the Feng Shui year 2024. In order to avoid activating the negative energies of this star, avoid any type of work in this area. Furthermore, Feng Shui remedies linked to the Fire element make it possible to neutralize the combination of Wood (of the sector) and Earth (of the star).

  3. Flying Star #3: The Quarrelsome Star (Yang Wood) - Star of the year 2024

    The 3rd star is that of conflict, bad reputation, misunderstanding, opposition and prosecution. It can cause career problems, or poor management of your reputation followed by impoverishment or separation. In 2024, the Quarrelsome Star is placed in the Central sector. It is advisable not to activate this zone and to avoid placing a sofa, a bed or a work desk in this sector during the Feng Shui year 2024. In order to neutralize the Center sector in 2024, choose a Feng Shui remedy associated with the Fire element in this area of your home.

  4. Flying Star #4: The Star of Love and Studies (Yin Wood)

    The 4th star is beneficial for studies, the accumulation of new knowledge and romantic relationships. In 2024, the Star of Love and Studies is positioned in the Northwest sector. This star is generally used by families with children who are studying in school who wish to achieve good academic results. Likewise, the 4th star is also the star of marital love and happiness. Young couples have every interest in activating the star of love by hanging up photos of their wedding or their newborn baby, in order to strengthen their romantic bonds. In 2024, the annual affliction of the Breaker of the Year (Sui Po) is positioned in this sector (292.5° - 307.5°), which clearly limits the positive effects that can be expected in the North- West. Furthermore, the North-West sector can be neutralized using Feng Shui objects associated with the Water element.

  5. Flying Star #5: The Star of Bad Luck or Five Yellow (Yang Earth)

    As its name indicates, the 5th star means bad luck in all areas. It is important not to activate it. In 2024, the Star of Bad Luck is placed in the West. This sector should be avoided in your daily life so as not to attract bad luck. Any sedentary activity of more than 2 hours should be avoided in this area throughout the year. In 2024, the negative energies of the West sector must be weakened using a Feng hui remedy linked to the Water element.

  6. Flying Star #6: The Celestial Star (Yang Metal)

    The 6th star symbolizes work, power and success in perseverance. It is beneficial for career, social promotions, professional recognition. In 2024, the Celestial Star is placed in the Northeast. In order to activate this zone, you can place a small terracotta statuette to the North-East of your home. When you want to activate the Earth element, it is also possible to use ceramics and favor yellow and ocher colors in the decoration of the West room of your house.

  7. Flying Star #7: The Star of Violence (Metal Yin)

    The 7th star means conflict, quarreling, theft, fraud, unfair competition or accident. In 2024, the Star of Violence is placed in the South. This sector should not be activated and needs to be avoided as much as possible. Avoid using or sitting more than 2 hours long in this area. In any case, to reduce the negative influence of the star of violence, use a weakening Feng Shui treatment based on Earth Yin (terracotta vase or statuette) in order to resolve the conflict of the Fire element (from the sector ) and the element Metal (of the star).

  8. Flying Star #8: The Star of Prosperity (Yin Earth)

    The 8th star means material gain, prosperity as a reward for work done. It is a very beneficial star. This star brings good luck and allows good financial returns or an improvement in reputation. In 2024, the Star of Prosperity is placed in the North sector. In order to neutralize the conflict between the Water element (of the sector) and the Earth element (of the star), use Feng Shui Metal treatments.

  9. Flying Star #9: The Multiplicative Star (Yin Fire)

    As its name indicates, the 9th star symbolizes the multiplication of positive events in your life. It can be both material goods and spiritual gains. A professional promotion or the expansion of the family with the birth of a child are possible. This star also means popularity, fame and beauty. In 2024, the Multiplicative Star is placed in the Southwest sector. It is possible to activate this zone with the Fire element in order to strengthen the creative cycle of the Earth element (of the sector) and the Fire element (of the star).

House sectors to activate during Feng Shui year 2024

The cures to activate and the adjustments to your decor for each sector of your home in 2024

The activation of a sector in Feng Shui consist in an energetic treatment (cure). This involves installing in your house an object directly connected to the element (Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood) associated with the cure.

Note that according to the compass school, the Feng Shui element to be used to activate or on the contrary neutralize or weaken a sector is determined by the double conjunction of the element specific to the sector of the Lo Shu square concerned and the element intrinsic of the flying star positioned in this same sector during the current year.

💫 Detailed guide to the lucky sectors of the year 2024

Center (Earth) - Activation in 2024: NO

  • Neutralizer: electric light, Feng Shui decorative object (Fire element)

South (Fire) - Activation in 2024: NO

  • Weakener: Statuette in terracotta, ceramic or yellow or brown object, decorative Feng Shui object (Earth element)

Southwest (Earth) - Activation in 2024: YES

  • Electric light
  • Hang a crystal chandelier, a lamp
  • Hang a family photo
  • Feng Shui decorative object (Fire element)

West (Metal) - Activation in 2024: NO

    Weakener: small aquarium, water bowl, decorative Feng Shui object (Water element)

Northwest (Metal) - Activation in 2024: NO

    Neutralizer: small aquarium, water bowl, decorative Feng Shui object (Water element)

North (Water) - Activation in 2024: NO

  • Neutralizer: Wind chimes made of hollow copper or brass tubes, Feng Shui cure of salt water and coins, Feng Shui decorative object (Metal element)

Northeast (Earth) - Activation in 2024: YES

  • Terracotta statuette, ceramic or yellow or brown object
  • Feng Shui decorative object (Earth element)

East (Wood) - Activation in 2024: YES

  • Small aquarium, water bowl
  • Feng Shui decorative object (Water element)

Southeast (Wood) - activation in 2024: NO

  • Neutralizer: electric light, Feng Shui decorative object (Fire element)

🏠 Feng Shui principles for the house

The Afflictions: Direction of the harmful stars in 2024

During the Feng Shui year 2024, it is advisable to avoid any activity, renovation or lasting presence (more than 2 hours) in the following sectors:

  • In 2024, Grand Duke Jupiter (Tai Sui) is in the Southeast sector, from 112.5° to 127.5°: This star represents worries, material losses, obstacles and illness. Although this star is symbolically associated with Jupiter, its location corresponds to the Chinese zodiac sign governing the year (in 2024, the Dragon) and not to that of the planet.
  • In 2024, the Year Breaker (Sui Po) is in the West sector, from 292.5° to 307.5°: This star (related to Mercury) represents loss of money, obstacles, illnesses and disappointments.
  • In 2024, the Three Killings (or Three Massacres, San Sha) are in the South sector, from 142.5° to 217.5°: This star represents theft (scams), disasters (health problems) and professional setbacks.
  • In 2024, the Five Yellow (which corresponds to the flying star #5 of Bad Luck and Saturn) is in the West sector, from 247.5° to 292.5°. This star represents worries in the fields of money, feelings or health. Very harmful, this star is synonymous with accident, loneliness, misfortune and depression. However, when the Five Yellow finds itself in a central position, its negative effects are mitigated. The main objective is therefore to stay on the move as much as possible when you are in this sector rather than trying to avoid occupying it at all costs.

© KarmaWeather by Konbi | Copyright protection: Reproduction forbidden. Any infringement will be subject to DMCA request | Disclaimer notice: Use of medicinal plants should be discussed with a physician, especially for pregnant / breastfeeding women or children. Stones / crystals have no application in modern medicine and can't replace medical treatment.