Daily Chinese horoscope
Monday 27 November 2023

Free and accurate daily horoscope of 27 November 2023
By Karmaweather - 26 February 2019
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved
Chinese calendar:
Day of the Earth Ox
Month of the Water Pig
Year of the Water Rabbit

Free Chinese Daily Horoscope for: Rat (Mouse), Ox (Buffalo), Tiger, Rabbit (Hare, Cat), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat (Sheep), Monkey, Rooster (Chicken), Dog and Pig (Wild Boar)

Characteristics of 27 November 2023

Polarity of the day: Yin
Polarity of the month: Yin
Polarity of the year: Yin
Marriage and love: Inauspicious
Favorable directions: Nord-Est
Lucky colors: Red, Pink, Orange
Energetic chart: Deficiency Fire
Destiny of birth (Yi Jing): The retreat
Boy’s first names: Aidan, Eidan, Hayden, Hélios, Munir
Girl’s first names: Diyaa, Lena, Nelly, Thuraiya, Urielle

Daily horoscope of 27 November 2023

Earth Ox Day

The Earth Ox is a pragmatic. Sincere and honest with others, he knows his limits and the rhythm that suits him best to advance serenely and surely in life. If he is of a less enterprising nature compared to the other Oxen, his exemplary sense of duty gives him the breath which allows him to cross mountains if he wishes. If he aspires to financial security, it is above all to give a balance and a sense to his existence. Indeed, stability is his main objective in life, whether in his family life or professional life. The Earth Ox is also an epicurean, very possessive with his material goods as well as with his family. Today, take the time if you can visit your most isolated family members. If you feel that the day is going slowly and you are not able to accomplish your goals, don't be afraid: the energy of the Buffalo is slower, but also more fortifying and perennial than that of the other Chinese zodiac signs.

15th Lunar Mansion: the Fork

The lodge of the Fork is unfavorable. Thursday, the Wood element and the planet Jupiter are symbolically attached to this house. On a professional level, it’s preferable to avoid starting a new project during this day. As a family and as a couple, it is better to remain discreet and avoid any polemic discussion. It’s strongly advised to rest during this period. If you have a lawsuit on that day, ask your lawyer if it may be possible to adjourn it.

Daily food and diet’s horoscope

Chinese stone of birth

Corrective stone of the day

yi king karma

Yi Jing hexagram of the retreat (遯, dùn)

The being born under the influence of the "Yi Jing hexagram of the retreat" is realistic, intelligent and cautious. A good observer, he is also aware that there is always a time for everything. Thanks to his remarkable analytical vision of the world around him, he is generally good at seeking the most accurate answers to the great universal questions. At work, his meticulousness is counterbalanced by his relative slowness in view of the tasks he must perform in a context of basic productivity. On the contrary, he will be more likely to excel in the intellectual professions that require patience and long-term projection. But he can also be a valuable advisor to an emergency response team because he has the ability to stand back in situations where stress tends to take over lucidity. Still, he is not very compatible with the hectic and noisy atmospheres that can prevent him from using all his abilities. This is why he can truly unleash his full potential only if he can be placed in a protective bubble, with relative comfort and silence. But one of the direct consequences of his search for absolute tranquility is sometimes to miss certain crucial opportunities that could have been used to ensure his material security. Also, the main existential challenge of the individual born under the influence of the "Yi Jing hexagram of the retreat" is to assert his ability to be more responsive to certain types of unattractive situations to his liking, in order not to miss important opportunities, or to watch helplessly as someone else ascends the social ladder that was originally intended for him.

Earth Ox's Pillar of Destiny

"The fire of lightning" (Yin)

More discreet and reserved than in its Yang version, the imaged destiny of the "lightning fire" in Yin polarity is beneficial for the individual who carries it as an annual pillar, despite a lack of dynamism. Indeed, the luminosity of this lightning powerfully concentrated and directed in a single beam refers to the idea of a predisposition to subtle but introverted intelligence. The individual achieves success thanks to his ability to decipher the nuances and delicacies of human relationships as well as his own personal complexity. Here, intelligence, nourished and developed, can stimulate illustrious outcomes in terms of existential evolution. It is only in the event of an unfavorable alignment with the other pillars that this pictorial fate bears the mark of a significant imbalance in how to express anger or fears.

As a pillar of the day of birth, existential fulfillment can take time to emerge, due to a somewhat too excessive and predominant lucidity.