Daily Chinese horoscope
Sunday 03 December 2023

Free and accurate daily horoscope of 03 December 2023
By Karmaweather - 26 February 2019
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Chinese calendar:
Day of the Wood Goat
Month of the Water Pig
Year of the Water Rabbit

Free Chinese Daily Horoscope for: Rat (Mouse), Ox (Buffalo), Tiger, Rabbit (Hare, Cat), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat (Sheep), Monkey, Rooster (Chicken), Dog and Pig (Wild Boar)

Characteristics of 03 December 2023

Polarity of the day: Yin
Polarity of the month: Yin
Polarity of the year: Yin
Marriage and love: Auspicious
Favorable directions: South Southwest
Lucky colors: White, Golden, Gray
Energetic chart: Weakness Metal
Destiny of birth (Yi Jing): The influence
Boy’s first names: Auban, Egmont, Guilhem, Jin (金), Laban
Girl’s first names: Bianca, Kate, Nina, Tharâ, Téa

Daily horoscope of 03 December 2023

Wood Goat Day

Optimistic and cheerful, generous and altruistic, creative as any self-respecting Goat, the Wood Goat is not warlike by nature. A day under the influence of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Wood Goat is conducive to literary, artistic and scientific activities, care for the elderly, humanitarian aid and diplomacy. In friendship, love, but also in your everyday life, you may be surprised at the pleasant turn of the day, during which your neighbor, your caretaker or your baker, usually barely kind, will take the trouble to greet you with a friendliness as surprising as it is exceptional.

4th Lunar Mansion: The Room

The lodge of the Room is beneficial. Sunday and the sun are symbolically attached to this house. The day is conducive to investment, development and interior decoration. Couples who choose to marry during the day of the Lodge of the Room can next expect the birth of a boy.

Daily food and diet’s horoscope

Chinese stone of birth

Corrective stone of the day

yi king karma

Yi Jing hexagram of influence (咸, xián)

The being born under the influence of "the Yi Jing hexagram of influence" is enthusiastic, free, sincere, ingenious and magnetic. Easily emotional, he is often attracted by a multitude of subjects as varied as each other. Adventurer but always lucid, he finds his strength in the mutual and stimulating attraction he develops with others. In his approach to human relations, he attaches great importance to cultivating privileged relations with those who hold social or political power. He is very comfortable developing complex strategies that require the timed implementation of large-scale material and human resources. Any ambitious project that allows him to develop his strategic know-how interests him. Also, the fact of having developed a powerful network which he can call upon if necessary is an indispensable force in his eyes. Moreover, being a good speaker, he does not usually have much difficulty convincing the value of his ideas or projects. However, even though he often decides to deepen a relationship based on his present or future interests, he is nevertheless sincere about the veracity of his feelings towards those he appreciates. Yet the fact that he does not take detours when he needs help can easily make him look like an unscrupulous opportunist. Therefore, the main existential challenge of the individual born under the influence of the "Yi Jing hexagram of influence" is to assert his ability to control his drives fueled by the more personal search for never ending up a day, victim of the same fate.

Wood Goat's Pillar of Destiny

"The gold in the sand" (Yin)

As an annual pillar, the "gold in the sand" with Yin polarity can be beneficial provided it is supported by the other 3 pillars constituting the astral chart of the individual (month, day and hour). Because here, the imaged destiny of "gold in the sand" refers to knowledge, natural gifts and nobility. But the important attributes linked to this pillar are more internalized, which can hinder their full expression. In a bad configuration, generosity can be diminished, both for oneself and for others. The innate capacities are then found stopped while the moral qualities of the individual are misled, expressing themselves in a pernicious and unjust way. On the other hand, in case of balance with the other pillars, this imaged destiny offers fortune and prestige to its holder.

As the pillar of the day, the ascent is more complex and slower than in its Yang version. It is only by dint of patience and wisdom that fortune and luck will finally invite themselves into the existential journey of the individual concerned.