Daily Chinese horoscope
Tuesday 12 December 2023

Free and accurate daily horoscope of 12 December 2023
By Karmaweather - 26 February 2019
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved
Chinese calendar:
Day of the Wood Dragon
Month of the Water Pig
Year of the Water Rabbit

Free Chinese Daily Horoscope for: Rat (Mouse), Ox (Buffalo), Tiger, Rabbit (Hare, Cat), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat (Sheep), Monkey, Rooster (Chicken), Dog and Pig (Wild Boar)

Characteristics of 12 December 2023

Polarity of the day: Yang
Polarity of the month: Yin
Polarity of the year: Yin
Marriage and love: Auspicious
Favorable directions: East Southeast
Lucky colors: White, Golden, Gray
Energetic chart: Weakness Metal
Destiny of birth (Yi Jing): The little flaw
Boy’s first names: Aurel, Guillermo, Heriberto, Jing-Jing (金精), Timour
Girl’s first names: Aranka, Brunilda, Candice, Candy, Sonal (सोनल)

Daily horoscope of 12 December 2023

Wood Dragon Day

Even if the Wood Dragon is ambitious and overbearing like all Dragons, his discreet charisma and spontaneous generosity tend to make his intentions more praiseworthy. Entrepreneur, full of tricks and with a limitless reserve of energy, the Wood Dragon can adapt to all types of situations, and fortunately, because he also has an unfortunate tendency to disperse. During a Wood Dragon day, we’re constantly attracted by distractions that can keep us away from our main daily goal. We must therefore try to simplify our timetable and take advantage of the analytical qualities of the Wood Dragon by concentrating only on one or two tasks that seem to us the most important. With your lover or family, in case of a dispute, try to remain calm in all circumstances, even if you are persuaded to be right.

13th Lunar Mansion: the Abode

The Lodge of the Abode is beneficial. Tuesday and the Fire element are symbolically attached to this house. The initiation of new projects is successful. Family meetings and the transmission of knowledge to the youngest bring luck and harmony.

Daily food and diet’s horoscope

Chinese stone of birth

Corrective stone of the day

yi king karma

Yi Jing hexagram of the small defect (小過, xiǎo guò)

The being born under the influence of the "Yi Jing hexagram of the small defect" is ambitious, conscientious and perseverant. Very early in his life, he sets for himself several clear goals that are supposed to provide him with material security. Fast and precise at work, there are very few tasks that he couldn't handle properly. Because work, construction and professional development are essential to his well-being and fulfillment. However, he neither really knows how to appreciate his works once completed, nor accepts the defeat when it comes. Undoubtedly dissatisfied, he aspires to achieve absolute perfection in each of his ventures. Moreover, he often lacks honesty with himself. This especially concerns his difficulty in considering his limits when he has to accomplish something. Moreover, he is somewhat rigid in his relationship with others. Indeed, he tends to camp on his positions instead of trying to understand the opinions he does not share. All of this eventually regrettably worsens many of his relationships, whether affective or professional. Therefore, the main existential challenge of the individual born under the influence of the "Yi Jing hexagram of the small defect" is to learn to accept more the compromise with the others so as never to hinder indirectly and pernicious his own social ascent.

Wood Dragon's Pillar of Destiny

"The fire of the torchlight" (Yang)

The imaged destiny of the "fire of the torchlight" symbolizes a path of life focused on duty or a mission to accomplish. The "fire of the torchlight" serves to consolidate this pillar, which remains fragile. It also brings an ability to excel through informed and quiet caution. The social rise may be slow, but it remains certain. However, in case of imbalance with the other pillars of the natal chart, the negative aspect of this imaged destiny would be the sign of a being too much turned on himself, only able to recognize his own qualities and needs. This configuration would then be the source of irremediable stagnation, once exhausted the benefits of the physical asset.

As the pillar of the day, the imaged destiny of the "fire of the torchlight" is neutral. Whatever the initial birth background of the individual, it will be necessary that he deploys sufficient energy to allow good fortune to finally accept to accompany him on his existential course.