Daily Chinese horoscope
Friday 29 December 2023

Free and accurate daily horoscope of 29 December 2023
By Karmaweather - 26 February 2019
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Chinese calendar:
Day of the Metal Rooster
Month of the Wood Rat
Year of the Water Rabbit

Free Chinese Daily Horoscope for: Rat (Mouse), Ox (Buffalo), Tiger, Rabbit (Hare, Cat), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat (Sheep), Monkey, Rooster (Chicken), Dog and Pig (Wild Boar)

Characteristics of 29 December 2023

Polarity of the day: Yin
Polarity of the month: Yang
Polarity of the year: Yin
Marriage and love: Auspicious
Favorable directions: West
Lucky colors: White, Golden, Gray
Energetic chart: Excess Metal
Destiny of birth (Yi Jing): The halt
Boy’s first names: Alban, Altan, Ganael, Gohar, Günter
Girl’s first names: Ada, Ariana, Louisa, Nina,Louise

Daily horoscope of 29 December 2023

Metal Rooster Day

Rigorous, perfectionist and punctual, the Metal Rooster takes care of his appearance and gives great importance to what other people think of him, like any self-respecting Rooster. His thirst for glory and wealth sometimes leads him to consider his social relations as tools in the service of his ambition, which can make him lose precious friendships. His passion for money allows him, despite his meek and peaceful appearance, to choose with flair the projects and the people who will help him to reach the fortune that he secretly covets. If you want to invest money, a Metal Rooster Day can be considered a perfectly suitable period. Rather than feelings and human relations, the day is perfectly suited to the cold calculations necessary to increase a fruitful investment.

17th Lunar Mansion: The Stomach

The lodge of the Stomach is beneficial. Saturday, the Earth element and the planet Saturn are symbolically attached to this house. Professionally, long-term investments and trade are favored. Influential figures protect children born from a union celebrated during this auspicious day.

Daily food and diet’s horoscope

Chinese stone of birth

Corrective stone of the day

yi king karma

Yi Jing hexagram of the mountain (艮, gèn)

The being born under the influence of "Yi Jing hexagram of the mountain" is a calm, balanced, objective and realistic individual. At work, he likes things done and well thought out. Wise and analytical, if he discovers and develops his ability to store information in a precise way, he could create his material security in legal professions that require irreproachable impartiality, in addition to solid knowledge of legislation and law in general. He can also find his vocation in the literary world and publishing, especially if he relies on his formidable imagination. As for his social relations, he expects from his interlocutors the same degree of profound sincerity as that which he manifests to them. Conversely, he hates superficial people and vulgar sentences or ideas. In reality, the agitations and commotion created by man do not affect him very much. Indeed, basically realistic about life and others, he is usually part of those who remain masters of their emotions against all odds. But to achieve this, he regularly needs to be alone with himself to think or make the void. In fact, meditation is an activity that he particularly likes and considers indispensable for his inner renewal. Similarly, when he goes through a bad phase, one could almost believe that he is devoid of all emotion. Thus, he often misses important opportunities with his family and friends because of his tendency to want to withdraw from the world, mentally and physically. Therefore, in order not to be sanctioned one day by overwhelming and painful judgments, the main existential challenge of the individual born under the influence of "the Yi Jing hexagram of the mountain" is to fight against his hermit nature by opening up to others and being more present for those he loves, in order to preserve his serenity of mind and enrich his life experiences.

Metal Rooster's Pillar of Destiny

"The pomegranate wood" (Yin)

The imaged destiny of the "pomegranate wood" in its Yin form has a strong structure, just as in its Yang form. For we must not forget that the pomegranate, besides being the symbol of numerous posterity, thanks to the peculiarities of its fruit, is also considered as an ornamental tree in the Far East. Therefore, in association with this pillar, the pomegranate expresses beauty in precision. By extension, in addition to indicating the pace and rigor, it helps define a loyal character and an ability to meet commitments. Here more than ever, creativity is allied with the will, in order to a big success.

However, in case of unfavorable configuration with the other pillars of the natal chart, it can be a sign of selfishness and sectarianism.

As a pillar of the day, it will take the native a lot of struggles to break free of one's personal brakes and allow the providence to support one's existential path.